Learn the basics of Anatomy and Physiology relevant for Reiki practitioners, become more confident in your practice, and get inside information about working in the NHS.
Topics and exercises will include:
Anatomy relevant for Reiki
Physiology relevant to Reiki
Common Conditions
Red Flag Symptoms
Working with Cancer patients
Chronic Illnesses
Notifiable diseases
Keeping client records
Client confidentiality
Working in the NHS
Working with your local GP and social prescribing
Communicating with medical professionals
Working in a hospital environment
Treating clients with disabilities
Working in intensive care
Working in a hospice
How to apply for a job in the NHS
The workshop includes a 90-page printed manual for every participant
Reiki Master and Teacher Anne-Marie Carratu is the UK’s leading expert in the field of Reiki and public healthcare.
She is
Practicing Reiki for over 20 years, she works as a Reiki Therapist at St Georges Hospital in Tooting and will share many insightful stories from her experience.
The workshop forms part the the accredited training to join the CNHC.